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Examine the recruitment and selection process at Unilever Bangladesh Limited Company

Mariam Peyton
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    This paper examines the recruitment and selection process of Unilever Bangladesh Limited providing all-important information related to the recruitment and selection of employees by the management of the organization. The company engages in the production and marketing of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and end-user healthcare products. Recruitment and selection is the process of procuring human resources into organizations. It can also be defined as the art of determining and obtaining potential employees for a vacant position in an organization. These processes are key to any organization as they are a medium for obtaining potential employees that will contribute significantly towards the company’s growth and development. Unilever Bangladesh does not negotiate with the quality of their services and employees, therefore they make sure that they are hiring the best of the best employees to meet their organizational goals and achieve their long-term goals. The following sections of this paper are going to examine in detail the recruitment and selection process in the Unilever Bangladesh Limited company. 

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    Examine the recruitment and selection process at Unilever Bangladesh Limited Company Case Study

    Key Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the case, students should be able to:

    • Understand the concepts of recruitment and selection and how they are applied to various organizations to help them attain their goals and objectives. 
    • Understand how recruitment and selection activities such as generating a job description, advertising the job, and conducting interviews, among others are applicable at Unilever Bangladesh Limited and how they aid in achieving its set goals and objectives.
    • Learn how to apply the concept of recruitment and selection to real-life companies.



    Unilever Bangladesh Limited Company was established in 1964 when the first manufacturing operations were established as a part of Lever Brothers Pakistan operations. It was later incorporated as a separate company according to the laws of Bangladesh and it diversified into manufacturing products of various categories. Unilever has been somewhat successful over the past decades by bringing a number of new and world-class products to the market that are socially appreciated by the people of Bangladesh. The company noted that 90% of households have a product that was manufactured by them. The company is a fast-moving company with a market share of 71 percent. Unilever Bangladesh does not negotiate with the quality of their services and employees, therefore they make sure that they are hiring the best of the best employees to meet their organizational goals and achieve their long-term goals.
    Recruitment and selection is the process of procuring human resources into organizations. It can also be defined as the art of determining and obtaining potential employees for a vacant position in an organization. The primary purpose of the recruitment process is to recruit, select and appoint employees who are suitable for an organization’s present and future needs. This essay is going to analyze the recruitment and selection process at Unilever Bangladesh Limited Company. 

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